Author: Prabhaker

Transmission mode refers to the method through which data is sent from one device to another. The communication mode is often referred to as the transmission mode. Each communication channel has a certain direction, which is determined by the transmission material. As a result, the directional mode is also known as the transmission mode. The physical layer specifies the transmission mode. There are three different types of transmission modes: Simplex mode Half-duplex mode Full-duplex mode Simplex mode The communication in Simplex mode is unidirectional, meaning that data only flows in one direction. A gadget can only send data and not…

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Layer 4 of the OSI reference model is the Transport layer. The transport layer is primarily responsible for the message’s process-to-process delivery. A process is a type of application program that runs on the host computer. The Transport layer’s primary role is to collect data from the layer above, divide it into smaller units, transfer these data units to the Network layer, and verify that all of the parts arrive at the other end in working order. Furthermore, all of this must be accomplished quickly and in a way that protects the upper layers from changes in hardware technology. The…

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Network Layer Protocols Every computer on a network has a unique IP address that allows it to be identified and addressed under Network Layer Protocols. An IP address is a logical Layer-3 (Network Layer) address. When a machine restarts, this address may change. At one point in time, a computer may have one IP and at another point in time, it may have a different IP. TCP/IP supports the following Network Layer Protocols: Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used to link the MAC address to an IP address. The MAC address etched on the NIC identifies each…

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Routing The routing protocols use the metric to find the shortest path for the packet delivery. A metric is a unit of measurement used by the routing algorithm to determine the best path to the destination, such as hop count, bandwidth, delay, current load on the network, and so on. The routing algorithm creates and maintains the routing table for the path-finding process. A router is a software program that selects a way for data to be transported from a source to a destination. A router is a unique device that does routing. In the OSI paradigm, a router operates…

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Types of Routing Routing can be classified into three categories: Static Routing Default Routing Dynamic Routing Static Routing Nonadaptive Routing is another name for static routing. It’s a method in which a routing table’s routes are manually added by the administrator. The packets for the destination can be sent via the route set by the administrator by a Router. Routing decisions are not made in this method based on the state or topology of the networks. Advantages Of Static Routing It has no overhead when it comes to the router’s CPU consumption. As a result, the less expensive router can…

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Network Layer Addressing Network layer addressing is one of the network layer’s key responsibilities. The addresses on a network are always logical or software-based. The Network Layer is the third layer in the OSI model. It responds to transport layer service requests and forwards them to the data link layer. Converting logical addresses to physical addresses is the responsibility of the network layer. It chooses the best path from the source to the destination and deals with challenges like switching, routing, and data packet congestion. The fundamental role of the network layer is to transfer packets from a sending host…

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The Data Link Layer provides Data Link Control as a service to ensure reliable data transport over the physical media. In half-duplex transmission mode, for example, one device can only transmit data at a time. If both devices at the end of the link transmit data at the same time, they will collide, resulting in information loss. The data link layer ensures that the devices work together to avoid collisions. Data Link Control and Media Access Control are the two major roles of the Data Link Layer. The design and technique of communication between two neighboring nodes (node-to-node communication) is…

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The Network layer is the third layer in the OSI model. The network layer controls host and network addressing, sub-network management, and internetworking. The network layer is in charge of routing packets from a source to a destination within or outside of a subnet. Different addressing schemes or non-compatible addressing types may exist between two subnets. In the same way, two separate subnets may use different protocols that are incompatible with one another. The network layer is in charge of routing packets from source to destination while mapping various addressing schemes and protocols. The Network Layer is the OSI model’s…

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Error control mechanism may involve Error detection and correction When data is sent from one device to another, the system cannot guarantee that the data received by the device is identical to the data sent by the other device. An error occurs when the message received at the receiver’s end differs from the message transmitted. Many factors, including noise, cross-talk, and others, can cause data to be damaged during transmission. The upper layers are unaware of actual hardware data processing and work on a generalized understanding of network architecture. As a result, the upper levels anticipate error-free communication between the…

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The data link layer is the 4th layer from the top and the 2nd layer from the bottom in the OSI model. The communication channel that connects the nearby nodes is known as links, and each datagram needs to be transported via an individual link to get from source to destination. The Data Link Layer’s primary responsibility is to transport datagrams across an individual link. The Data Link Layer protocol specifies the packet format and operations like error detection, retransmission, flow control, and random access for packets sent between nodes. Ethernet, token ring, FDDI, and PPP are Data Link Layer…

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Switching technique is the technique used and applied on a big network. When these huge networks need to move packets from source to destination, i.e. from sender to receiver, switching techniques come into play. The packet, which is ready for transmission from source to destination, must trace the route over which the packets will be transmitted. Switching is the process of picking the best available route for data transmission of packets from source to a receiver. Circuit switching and packet switching are two popular switching strategies, each with its own significance. There may be multiple pathways from source to receiver…

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Switching Modes Switching modes are used for routing packets in different ways. Different sections of a frame are recognized in switching mode. Layer 2 switches are responsible for data transmission on the data link layer, as well as error checking on transmitted and received frames. The MAC address is used by layer 2 switches to forward packets. Elements of the frame are preamble, destination MAC address, source MAC address, user’s data, and FCS Switching modes are divided into three categories: Store-and-forward Cut-through Fragment-free 1. Store-and-forward The term “store-and-forward” refers to a mechanism in which intermediate nodes save incoming frames and…

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